2.590€ per month
One request at a time. Pause or cancel anytime

What's included?

▪︎  One request at a time
▪︎  1-hour bi-weekly planning meeting
▪︎  Average 48-hour delivery​​​​​​​
▪︎  Seniority level and guidance
▪︎  Managed with Notion
▪︎  Invite your team
▪︎  Fixed monthly rate
▪︎  Unique and all yours
▪︎  Pause or cancel anytime

🧑‍🎨 Why not hire a full-time Senior UX/UI designer?
The annual cost of a full-time Senior Product Designer now exceeds €45,000 per year or €3.500 pe rmonth. Additionally, your company would acquire the significant responsibilities that come with every employee. 
With the Neoworks subscription, you'll get the same results for 30% less, and since you can pause, resume, or cancel your subscription any time, you won't acquire the responsabilities that come with a new employee.

🎨 What's an example of a design request?
A design request is any task you might have. Examples include a new feature, preparation for a user test, iteration of a new feature, implementation review, new UI component, etc. If you have a project or big tasks, they will be split into different tasks. For instance, if you have a whole app to create, we'll divide the process into tasks based on your requirements. Some tasks might be: information architecture, tree testing of the architecture, wireframes of certain views, final visuals, prototype, user testing preparation, conducting user testing, analyzing test results, iteration, hand-off, and implementation review. The 48-hour delivery time is the minimum time per task, that does not mean that all the tasks will be done in 48 hours, tasks can perfectly take more than that. We'll discuss your priorities during the bi-weekly meeting.

📋 Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?
Once subscribed, you can add as many tasks to the backlog as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one, being 4 the maximum tasks in a 2-week sprint, you'll have 2 sprints per month. The tasks will be evaluated at the beginning of each sprint when we will decide if we add 1, 2, 3 or 4 tasks, this will depend on the complexity of each task.

😎 Who will handle my requests?
Neoworks is an agency of one—myself. With 12 years of experience, I will personally handle all your requests.

⏸️ How does the pause feature work?
Billing cycles are based on a 31-day period. Once you sign up and pay, you have 31 days to send your requests. If you do not have enough work to fill up all the days, you can pause your subscription at, say, day 21. You will then have 10 remaining days to use whenever you need. When you have new work to be done, you resume your subscription using the remaining days. If you do not pause or cancel again, you'll be charged every 31 days automatically as usual.

🔧 How do we ensure that the designs are properly implemented?
We provide detailed handoffs for your developers to follow. In case they have doubts, we use Figma, where they can use the comments feature. Additionally, you can always create a new request for us to review the implementation of the design.

📢 How do I request designs?
The requests are made using either a panel in Notion or your own Jira project, where we'll have the backlog, the "In Progress" tasks, and the "Done" ones. You'll create your requests in this panel and attach whatever works best for you to describe the request. Neoworks will provide you with a Product Requirement Document template, but you can use whatever fits you best, such as videos, text directly in Notion, your own PRD, etc.

🔒 Is there any work you don't cover?
Yes, even though we will test the designs and information architecture from a usability standpoint, we won't conduct research sessions in person with users, such as shadowing sessions, interviews, or focus groups. On the other hand, we won't do graphic design work such as logos, banners and websites.

✏️ What if I only have a single request?
No problem. You can always pause your subscription and hold your remaining days for when you have more work to be done.

💰 Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?
We understand you need to be sure that Neoworks is what you need, that's why If you cancel your subscription during the first 5 days, we'll refund you the 20%. After these first 5 days, due to the subscription nature of the service, there won't be any refunds. We will always find the best solution for you, and if you do not want to continue, you can always cancel your subscription.
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