Also Casals Technologies sought to elevate their product presentation by integrating a Virtual Reality (VR) experience into their sales strategy. The goal was to immerse potential customers in a realistic and interactive environment, allowing them to explore and comprehend the true value of Casals Technologies' products.
Design Solution
Designed an intuitive and visually stunning VR interface that seamlessly integrates with Casals Technologies' product lineup. The user experience prioritizes ease of navigation, ensuring customers can effortlessly engage with the virtual environment and gain a comprehensive understanding of the products on offer.
Recording of one of the tests
I started with a briefing phase to intricately discern and align with the client's specific needs and expectations. Next step was sketching several design solutions, ensuring a harmonious fusion with the client's overarching vision. Transitioning seamlessly into Unity, the low-fidelity prototyping phase unfolded, presenting a holistic experience for client approval. I then immersed in crafting high-fidelity visuals, meticulously refining both 3D models and the user interface. User testing ensued, facilitating the incorporation of insightful improvements, ultimately shaping the VR solution. This iterative approach, grounded in strategic precision and user-centric enhancements, yielded a final product that perfectly aligns with and enhances Casals Technologies' objectives.
The client's feedback on the app implementation revealed a high level of satisfaction, particularly emphasizing the ease of use. Leveraging the opportune setting of a trade fair, the app was extensively trialed by approximately 80 individuals, allowing for broad exposure and engagement. Beyond mere trials, the app's impact was further underscored by securing four meaningful meetings with interested customers, affirming its effectiveness in capturing attention and fostering valuable connections in a dynamic and competitive trade fair environment. This positive client response and tangible outcomes underscore the app's success as both a user-friendly tool and an impactful promotional asset for the client's
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